Community Farms Resources

The Foodlands program responds to the urgent need to ‘grow’ more farmers and keep farmland intact for farming by supporting people involved in farmland conservation and community farming.

A key component is our hub of community farming information and resources. Many farmers have told us they can’t find business and governance information and other resources relevant to small and medium scale farm businesses and cooperative farms.

We encourage use of this information for personal and public non-commercial use, and request that the Community Farms Program be acknowledged.

Please contact us with suggestions and new resources!

Community Farms Project Materials

Community Farming in BC (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, and Simon Fraser University, 2009)

BC’s Farming and Food Future: A Local Government Toolkit for Sustainable Food Production (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2009)

Community Farms Feasibility Study (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2009)

Starting a Community Farm (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2010)

Cultivating Coops (BC Co-operative Association, 2011)

Feasibility and Business Plan Guide (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2009)

A Guide to Farmland Access Agreements (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2009)

A Review of Farmland Trusts (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2010)

Whole Farm Plan Guide (FarmFolk CityFolk, The Land Conservancy of BC, 2009)

Sample Whole Farm Plans