Suggested Wording

Suggested Wording

Here is some sample language you can review to guide your discussions with you advisor, lawyer or notary.

Our legal name is Foodlands Cooperative of BC, we are registered as a Community Service Co-op, BIN # 72614 5915.  Our address is: 1322 256th Street, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2J4

Residual (or “Remainder”) Gift

You may wish to leave the remainder or residue of your Estate, after paying debts and other bequests, to ensure that protection in perpetuity of farmland and foodlands for future generations is achieved.

If so, the following wording is appropriate: “I direct my trustees to transfer the residue of my Estate to Foodlands Cooperative of BC for its general purposes.”

Percentage Gift

“I direct my trustees to transfer _________ percent (or ___ share) of the residue of my Estate to Foodlands Cooperative of BC to be used for its general purposes.”

Specific Gift

“I direct my trustees to deliver, pay or transfer the sum of $________ to Foodlands Cooperative of BC for its general purposes.”

Bequests and legacies are personal matters. We advise you to talk to a lawyer or Estate planner when preparing your will and estate plan.