Horse Lake Farm Coop

Horse Lake Farm Coop

We are a group of farmers, concerned citizens, and healthy eaters (or at least, aspiring to be) who have purchased shares in the Horse Lake Community Farm Co-operative, which is an agricultural co-op, operating on 133 acres of heritage farm property (aka “the Betty Place”). The Co-op is run by a board of directors, and the Co-op property is leased to member farmers. The land is currently farmed by CEEDS (Community Enhancement and Economic Development Society) who have over 30 years of experience in cooperative agriculture, and whose friends and supporters are the ‘seeds’ of the Co-operative. The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) is a major shareholder, and provided considerable help and support in the Horse Lake Farm Co-op development. There are also dozens of chickens, sheep and cows involved, as one of the main activities on the property is livestock husbandry. We have gardens, and host rustic retreats, agricultural workshops, and other educational and fundraising events.